I myself have never read this book in its entirety; however, just after this post I will buy it online....Myself, the wife and my two kids will read it as well!!! I have read the condensed version….I.E. intruduced this to me...4000+ pages kind of killed it...NOW its a must read...
BELOW IS A COPY OF A POST FROM AN OUTSIDE INDIVIDUAL THAT LIVED ON THE OTHER SIDE …The other side of the coin...per say…It just caught my eye…BTY…The kid in the photo will be an achiever…and so will mine!!!!!
Where is the American Pride? What has happened to “living the dream”?
I have only been a citizen of this wonderful country for 3 years, but have lived here for 18 years. I have also had the incredible chance to work for American companies overseas; taking new products to Asia, Europe and Latin America. I now understand many more cultures and wonder…How in the world the USA goes from being on the top as a developed country to a sunken ship in 2 decades?Reasons I see as contributing factors besides American apathy:1. Being Politically Correct;2. Americans became followers versus leaders;3. Litigation removed the power of people to stand for what they believe;4. Government manages your destiny… without your best interest as a driver;5. Illegal immigrants get free range of the education and medical systems while Valuable and Contributing ones wait 3 to 7 years to get an immigration visa and pay at least $2K to do so.Common Sense and accountability went out the window. Boortz and a handful of other brave speakers can’t do for you (us) what each of us can with our own voices, letters, and by educating the ones that don’t understand that POWER (government) and MONEY (your money) only create more corruption… While you (majority of this country) are worried about who is playing in the super bowl…. ????I don’t get it… The only country in the world that was based on equal opportunity has given it all up.If each person instead of watching the super bowl would have spent that same time researching the failure of Socialistic approach to health care and stimulus plans (Sweden, Canada, Japan to name a few) they would have gotten a glimpse of the disaster that awaits us and perhaps some real changes could start… such as the impeachment of both democrats and republicans and by starting a INTELLIGENT PEOPLE MOVEMENT to erase the harm csused by so many mindless earmarks.Blunt corruption is what we have contributed to creating, just because you didn’t care to take a stand on voting day… or writing to your Congressman and Senators.Don’t you understand that as a politician or any government employee it is their privilege to work for you? YOU ARE THE EMPLOYER! YOU!!!! THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITIED STATES OF AMERICA, LEGAL CITIZENS are the ONLY ONES with the right to hire and fire based on performance… not the other way around. BUT YOU ARE LETTING THE EMPLOYEE DECIDE THE FAITH OF YOUR BUSINESS. Congratulations!!!! You have enabled the demise of your family’s future, your parent’s retirement, and your children’s education.
By Camilla BTY...Boortz was the souce...Camilla...God Bless!!!
1 comment:
Keep swinging bud.
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