Friday, December 19, 2008


This may be someting I wrote and never published...LOL...Al Frankin???

You know…I used to get excited when I seen the ACORNS dropping,,,It meant two things…either it was hunting season “OR” a political season…another year of,,, the back and forth”…(BTY…it is what I live for)
Hunting…is simple…Sneak into the opponents habitat and take care of business.
Political…same thing applies…unless one has committed fraud…
In hunting…We stalk our pray in a way that we learn…patterns…movement…times…habits…and for what???...for SPORT... We have no will over the opponents…
In politics… They stalk pray in a way that we do as well…learn…patterns…movement…times…habits…and for what???...for POWER…They in a calculating way…exploit our system…until…They have “TOTAL” control…
Fundamental difference, in politics their objective is to deceive the disenfranchised. They lure them in with bogus promises and then rip the rug out…in hunting, I look for the best… The best in the class…unlike...AKA...ACORN & the Comunitiy investment act…They prey on the weak and meager…
A true sportsman loves the above mention chase…Politicians crave it!!!..feed off our weaknesses.

Politics: We have control…
When the “LEFT” loses there should be a reason??? Why is “THIS”…one might ask??? Not that the victor prevailed…they already had it calculated…How could they lose???...Well lets go back to ACORN…I could post hundreds of voter fraud links but I will save US the time, since you probably copied any way… in this and other elections but, been there don it!!

Of who really “WON”…? Take Gore and Bush…for example…in Florida, ACORN thought they stole it…The courts said they didn’t…For god sakes!!!...Wake up man and smell the Starbucks…THIS IS NO LONGER A LAUGHING MATTER!!!
I have sent link after link of ACORN’s fraud too most of my contacts…

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