Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where have we gone?

OFFICIAL NOTICE: This Internet page contains thoughts and ideas that are not consistent with or in keeping with the policies and ideas expressed by Barack Obama and/or the Democrat party. Accordingly, you are hereby notified that that the thoughts, ideas and facts presented on this web page constitute hate speech and you are warned that, as such, they may cause discomfort or offense to Democrats, liberals, those educated by the government, non-achievers, those suffering from wealth-envy and followers of The Chosen One. Govern yourself accordingly.
(ABOVE TAKEN FROM BOORTZ)...Couldn’t agree more…
Where have we gone???
I'm not much of a writer...but....I can smell a rat commie bastard when I see one...I am more of a researcher… I welcome all comments....I can deal with that...Why would I link anything else other then the author’s I post???...I agree with them...If you do not… COMMENT!!!...It’s called Dialog!!!...It’s up to you!!!

Bull Shit Effigy Controversy: (Politics’)..AKA..Race Card…
See the links below…While I don’t agree with either effigy…and…I know it’s Halloween…However, we are Americans…We differ in opinion…
Why is this OK???
Why is this not???
Both are equally offensive…in my world… Is it something to do with geography??? I remember a story of a noose hanging in a tree at a high school…AL, I think…It was hung there by one student…Many got in trouble; until the truth came out…It wasn’t the accused at all…
However, the Left only reacts with emotion…What if??? We all react on principle, convictions and or have an intelligent dialog with civilized people???
LOL…Never gonna happen…
The Election:
The thing I just don’t get and I have tried…When all people are polled (DIM’s & REP’s); the biggest issue is the economy??? Funny thing is…taxes didn’t hit the top…Doesn’t the latter greatly influence the first???
When the DemocRATS get into a problem their first instinct is to throw more money at it…It hasn’t worked in 50 years…The WAR on poverty and the WAR on drugs comes to mind…Billions spent…NOTHING Accomplished!!! Nuff said…
Here’s a DemocRAT that I disrespect the most…He finally said something he can’t take back…LOL...
I can go down a list starting with the leaders of the DemocRATic party…We all know their names…
I mentioned the economy above…I have noticed a trend… When BO has a good week, we suffer…When McCain has a good week…it levels out…CALL ME OUT IF I’M WRONG…Just an observation…
I can find link after link, blog after blog that can prove the above statement…So come ready…
AS for the DemocRATic ticket…
It’s kind of like playing an amusement park game…It’s stacked against you…It’s hard to win a fixed game…
Spread the wealth…Socialize 401K’s??? Scary…
One day its 250k, this constitutes the evil rich, then 200k …then Biden, says 150K is the evil rich… What is it???
Really doesn’t matter anyway…It’s just a shell game of “fool the public”…IF the BO is elected… He only has to let the Bush tax cuts expire…Doesn’t have to lift a finger, NO Pelosi, NO Reid??? There may be a problem with that though…HOW DO YOU ADD EAR MARKS TO AN EXPIRING BILL???
Last comment…Will everyone just look at the states that are going bankrupt??? They are DemocRAT states…And they are moving HERE because the state can’t afford them anymore…THIS dilutes our voting POOL!!! They created this scourge…and we deal with it!!!


Otis said...

Enjoyed the juxtaposition of attitude between the Obama and Palin effigies. Keep it up.

dgj_ga said...

From a pal in NC...Like most they e-mail me back instead of posting...


Have not nor will I have any time to read any extras soon……

But here is a thought from what I can see in the lines

This country is going downhill because of the people, after all nothing divided against itself can stand, the motion of anything requires that all parts are working towards the same goal.

That is one

Two; government cannot fix any problem that is rooted in society.

Three; majority rule doesn’t work for a perfect rule because only the majority is represented

Four; one or more representing the masses cannot work because there is always room for them to ignore the desires of the people and vote for their own agenda

This is a new day when we can see almost at the second after something that has happened on the other side of the world ………………… I think it is time to fix the voting deal. And even though that will only get closer to a fix it will at least allow the people to elect, instead of the state electing.

And here is one for the masses…………….. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter…………… only voted in what the senate and the house sent to their desk …………………………………………..

The society has gotten so silly that they actually think only one made the problem………………. And that one can fix.

I am dirt poor, the money I make in a year wouldn’t even buy me a new car. So last of all in my world I have to be rationally ignorant which means the marginal benefit of learning the info needed to make informed choices at the booth will never come close to the marginal cost that it would require……………… first …college education to better myself and family’s economic situation second…job close third………………..election although important doesn’t rank high enough to list because in the first three……… there is little time to eat and sleep; 36 hours work, 18 hours in class, weekend long homework.

Take care!